Custom template for single-file

Posted by: Mathias Madsen

16th January 2020, 2:05 pm

Mathias Madsen


16 Jan 2020
2:05 pm


I am trying to modify the design for single-file.php which is loaded within the function somdn_get_shortcode_product_content().

Is it possible to replace the file in my own theme, e.g. in the same structured folder (templates/download-forms/single-file.php)?

I've been trying to modify the shortcode to fit my needs, but have not been able to find a solid solution yet.

  • Richard Webster


    16 Jan 2020
    2:09 pm

    Yes mate but instead of "templates" you name the folder "somdn-templates"/download-forms/

  • Mathias Madsen


    16 Jan 2020
    2:12 pm

    Great, thanks!

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