Download limit based on subscription date

Posted by: Charlie

17th May 2019, 12:54 am



17 May 2019
12:54 am

Hi there!

A while back in the wordpress forum you said you'd look into whether you can sync up the download limit with the subscribe date, so it refreshes on the date they signed up (say the 10th of every month)

Just wondered if you'd got anywhere with it?



Last modified: 15th March 2023, 2:10 pm by Peter Wilkinson

  • Richard Webster


    17 May 2019
    9:43 pm

    Hi Charlotte I'm still in the process of moving house and getting everything set up. Haven't coded anything for weeks now, getting itchy fingers!

    Hoping to crack on with continued development soon though.

  • Charlie


    22 May 2019
    10:04 am

    Hi Richard,

    I totally understand, although I'm desperate to shout out about your plugin to my membership facebook groups I'm part of. If it could sync the download limit renewal date with the subscription date it would fix problems for sooooooo many people!

    (And if you ever wanted to look at compatibility with the Flatsome theme that would also be amazing, specifically custom shop templates as your plugin doesn't work with those, and being able to download straight from the shop archive page, as that feature on the Flatsome theme doesn't work either)

    Good luck with the move!

  • Muriel Silva


    6 Nov 2019
    2:00 am


    I just wanted to follow up on this topic.  I couldn't find anything about it or figure out how to make this happen so that the customers download limits reset a month after their renewal date & corresponds with their subscription - is this feature enabled yet? This would be huge for us but I couldn't find anything more recent on the topic.

    Let me know!  Thanks so much!

  • Richard Webster


    6 Nov 2019
    5:52 am

    Hi Muriel, this feature is still in development I'm afraid.

  • Charlie


    10 Mar 2020
    10:40 am

    Hi Richard

    Just wondered if you'd been able to make this happen yet? Still cannot manage to figure out a way to limit downloads based on subscription renewal date!

    Not tried your plugin in a while so not sure if you've updated this since then?

  • Richard Webster


    10 Mar 2020
    6:55 pm

    Hi Charlotte I have it planned when I do the full plugin rewrite. These kinds of things are getting into levels of complexity that just aren't manageable with the current codebase. I have a few small bugs and compatibility things in working on right now.

    It's definitely on the list though, 100%.

  • Charlie


    11 Mar 2020
    8:55 am

    No problem! Appreciate it's a complex one. I've found a workaround offering store credit with Smart Coupons for now. But would still prefer your option if and when it's updated 🙂

  • Muriel Silva


    29 Jun 2021
    6:29 pm

    Hi Richard,

    I was wondering if you'd had a chance to look into this issue - synching download limits with subscription renewal dates.



  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    15 Mar 2023
    2:16 pm

    Hey all

    We are working on this feature now but have come up with some complications

    1) What would this download limit mean exactly, is it per product or globally?
    2) If globally, what if a customer has multiple subscriptions, what date should it look for?

    We are thinking of

    1) Adding a setting for you to choose the download limit refresh date manually where you choose the duration and what day. This would obviously be for all customers so would not be based on the date they subscribed.

    2) We could then look for refresh date to be based on the subscription per product as this would avoid conflict between subscriptions globally
    3) Else, if it is a membership site with only one fee - we could look to have it global based on WooCommerce Memberships

  • Ryan


    15 Mar 2023
    6:49 pm

    Hi. Here's some input from my particular use case.

    1. Globally
    2. In my case, customers wouldn't buy duplicate memberships (i.e., subscriptions). They might have different subs for different products, services, etc., but not for my membership subscription product.

    Yeah, the below would apply to my case.

    "3) Else, if it is a membership site with only one fee - we could look to have it global based on WooCommerce Memberships."