Download Variations DO NOT WORK

Posted by: Aethaerx

20th January 2021, 7:42 pm



20 Jan 2021
7:42 pm


I have the PRO version of this extension and it is not working as advertised.

I have a product with 2 different attributes: Quality (4K and 8K) and Aspect Ratio (4:3, 16:9, 16:10, 32:9, and 32:9). Together the combinations of those two attributes allow me to create 9 different variations on the product page. Five aspect ratio options for 4K and 4 aspect ratio options for 8K.

I have it set using Woocommerce memberships + subscriptions that a subscription is required to be in a particular membership and that particular membership is required to "purchase" the variations above.

Now this extension does not follow my subscription and membership settings. If I have a registered user without a subscription or membership it will still show the Download button and let the users download any files on the product. It is not checking to see if the user has the right to download that file.

I have it set to INCLUDE MEMBERSHIP RESTRICTED ITEMS and was expecting only members of my membership to be able to download. with the button. It seems to work with simple products, but with variations and membership groups it isn't. I need help.

  • Richard Webster


    20 Jan 2021
    7:54 pm

    Hi mate. Can I just check you've got the Pro Edition installed on that particular site? Just checking because you've only got one site activated, but have a multiple sites license.

    Last modified: 20th January 2021, 7:55 pm by Richard Webster

  • Aethaerx


    20 Jan 2021
    8:12 pm

    Here are some images:

    1. This image is what the variations look like on my site:

    2. This image is proof I have the pro version installed and activated:

    3. This image shows how I have certain product variations accessible only to this membership:

    The problem I have found is if I limit a product category (say 8K) then it works. The button will only show if a user has access to that category. So If a membership allows access to the 8K product category then the button will show for them. If I do not limit my products by category and instead want to use the product variations that is when the button doesnt work properly. Whether or not the user has the correct membership allowing access to particular product variations the button will show and allow the user to download any files attached to any variations.

    It appears like I might have to use the product category as a workaround but i would like to show the button or not by just choosing a product or product variation as well since you can restrict using woocommerce memberships by product (and variations) OR product category.

  • Richard Webster


    20 Jan 2021
    8:17 pm

    Hmm ok, so to reproduce this, if you set a membership to restrict purchase to a specific variation, the restriction doesn't work. It's only if you restrict by term (category) that it works ok?

    Let me look into it my end. That's not intended behaviour and seems like an oversight.

    Last modified: 20th January 2021, 8:18 pm by Richard Webster

  • Aethaerx


    20 Jan 2021
    8:32 pm

    I really appreciate you and your speedy support. Very excellent service so far Richard.

    Please let me know if you need any other information or screenshots from me, but it appears you have the correct idea of what is going on. Hopefully it is a minor solution that can be updated soon 🙂

    Thanks again and looking forward to your response.

  • Richard Webster


    20 Jan 2021
    9:38 pm

    No problem mate, I have an update planned for end of next week so should be able to include a fix in there if it's what I'm thinking.

    Last modified: 20th January 2021, 9:38 pm by Richard Webster

  • Aethaerx


    31 Jan 2021
    1:24 am

    Hi Richard,

    Are you still planning on releasing an update this week fixing this issue?

  • Richard Webster


    5 Feb 2021
    7:52 am

    Hi mate sorry for the delay, I'm still kind of buried with University assignments. But I should be ok later next week to investigate.

    Would you mind opening up a tech support ticket for this? Do it from your account page. Bit easier for me to track.

  • Aethaerx


    22 Jul 2021
    8:40 am

    Hi. I know it's been several months, but I'm getting close to launching my web project and I'd really like to use this with Woocommerce Memberships properly. As of right now your plugin still doesn't work if I add restrictions to variations of a product. It will download regardless for the user..even if that user doesn't have the correct membership.

    This is actually 1000% very important for me otherwise my entire enterprise will not work. Most of what I'm trying to achieve is built solely around your plugin since it's the only one of its kind available for Woocommerce, so please what can we do to get the download button working with Woocommerce Memberships and variations correctly?

    If you would like to schedule a remote session I can show you on something like Discord, Skype or Parsec. I think your download button just needs to be tied to when the "Add to Cart" button appears or doesnt appear. For example if I restrict a paid variation the Add to Cart fades out and is inactive if a user chooses that variation. Your button probably just needs to be made to dissapear when that action takes place since it replaces the Add To Cart button. If a variation is restricted it greys out or disappears. If the variation is valid and downloads slots are remaining then it appears or activates.

    Last modified: 22nd July 2021, 9:50 am by Aethaerx

  • Richard Webster


    22 Jul 2021
    11:56 am

    Hi @Noctroxis mate, would you mind opening up a tech support ticket for this issue now? I have a build you can test.

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