Login shortcode OR disentangle from other login plugin

Posted by: deborahsalves

13th January 2023, 9:28 pm



13 Jan 2023
9:28 pm

Hey, Richard and folks, how's it going?

We use your plugin for our customized reset password page, but it's clashing with the modal login plugin tha connects to WooCommerce. Tbh I would rather abandon the other plugin and stick to yours, but I can't find a login shortcode, only the reset_password one ๐Ÿ™ does it exist?

The details: the other plugin connects straight into WooCommerce endpoints, allowing for login, registration and password reset. So if the user clicks "lost password?" on the modal login, they get sent this other plugin's URL instead of yours. Only _theirs_ doesn't work, which I guess is because the default is yours.

I have tried "intercepting" their call and redirecting it to yours, but I'm only a junior dev and I couldn't do it.

I have also tried overriding their "lost password" link from the modal into the page, which is not great for UX but would do for now. But then I cannot change the process in the WooCommerce checkout page, which is a major issue.

I have also tried disabling their plugin (which leaves me w no login) and yours (which still doesnt make their reset_passoword link work), so I'm completely at a loss...

I've been at this for over two weeks, but I'm coming to the conclusion I'm not good enough yet to fix it ๐Ÿ™ I dont even know if these details are sufficient...

can you help me? cheers!

Last modified: 17th January 2023, 9:32 am by Peter Wilkinson

  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    17 Jan 2023
    9:34 am

    Hi Dรฉborah

    Pete here ๐Ÿ˜€

    What plugin are you referring to when you say the modal login plugin?

    As a rule of thumb you want to avoid using plugins that do similar jobs.

    1) Why do you have the other plugin active?

    2) What does our plugin not do that you need doing?

  • deborahsalves


    17 Jan 2023
    6:53 pm

    Hey, Pete!

    1 I wasn't the one who built the site, so I don't know why we use two plugins ๐Ÿ™ but I have also tried to deactivate your and theirs doesnt work anyway...ย I use your FrontEnd Reset Password plugin, for doing exactly that. The other plugin is Login/SignUp Popup (also/previously Easy Login WooCommerce). They handle the account creation when people trying to purchase a membership w WooCommerce don't yet have an account, and also their login after the account is created.

    2 Your plugin DOES what it is supposed to do. Which is why I don't want this other plugin interfering w it. Hence my (rather dumb) question if the selfexplanatory Reset Password plugin had a Signup/Login version/form/etc. If it doesn't, I need to stick w the other plugin, so I wanted to know if there is a way I could "block" ou "reroute" the other plugin to yours.

    In some places of the site, I can't override _their_ link of "Lost your password?", which redirects the password reset throw their functions. They even tap into WooCommerce's email templates. Only their link doesn't work, which I assume is because my WP know that _your_ plugin is the one supposed to be handling this process.

    If user asks for a password reset in the "right" channels (for lack of a better word), they get your link, which looks like this: /resetar-senha/?somresetpass=true&somfrp_action=rp&key=eSw2Pgn05crKaVIkBtPu&uid=1234

    If the user uses their "Lost your password?" link, they get a link that looks like this: /resetar-senha/?key=lOp3xfQZjycAKq4iZfm1&id=1234

    Your link works, theirs doesn't.

    Ooof, that's a lot of words. Sorry, it's hard for me to describe it.

    Thanks for reading this much! If you can help, I appreciate it! S2


  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    18 Jan 2023
    9:13 am

    I am sorry but really sounds confusing and more of custom dev work because its another plugins conflicting. I am not able to offer support with this


    I could look to creating a shortcode for the login form - would this solve your problem?

  • deborahsalves


    18 Jan 2023
    2:56 pm

    Hey, Pete, thank you so very much! Yes, I think that would help me a lot, cos a popup I can create on my own =] I really appreciate it! cheers!

  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    24 Jan 2023
    11:12 am

    Hi Deborah

    Sorry for the delay. I have looked into this more as we purchased the plugin from Square One Media and there is no frontend login form that we make, it gets the one that is from WP.

    It is hard for me to provide a shortcode unless I code a new login form from scratch

    I am look at this but need to allocate time on our pro plugins first as this generates income (sorry)

    I could speed this up with custom dev work if you wanted and the project had the budget?

  • deborahsalves


    24 Jan 2023
    9:22 pm

    Hey, Pete, thank you for looking into it!

    I'm still working on the budget, so right now the answer is no :\ but it's good to know I can reach out to you folks when it does come through! Thank you so much! Cheers

  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    26 Jan 2023
    9:05 am

    Yeah sorry about that ๐Ÿ˜€

    Please do reach out if you need help.

    Have a great day!