My Account > Download page

Posted by: Iain Morris

8th November 2019, 1:16 pm

Iain Morris


8 Nov 2019
1:16 pm

Hi Richard,

Finally upgraded to your PRO edition.  Sorry, should have done it much sooner.

I'm using the My Account > Download page to let users access previous downloads.  However, the standard Woocommerce message "No downloads available yet." with a Go Shop button appears above your plugin insertion.  Is there any way to remove that Woocommerce notice box completely from in your plugin or do you know an easy way, maybe a snippet?

Have a great weekend.


  • Richard Webster


    8 Nov 2019
    3:09 pm

    Hi mate I'll take a look after at the template for that WooCommerce section and see if it can be hidden.

  • Iain Morris


    24 Nov 2019
    9:35 am

    I found this and it works.  Can you see anyway to improve it?

    body.woocommerce-downloads .woocommerce-info,
    body.woocommerce-downloads .woocommerce-message,
    body.woocommerce-downloads .woocommerce-notices-wrapper
    display: none !important;

  • Richard Webster


    13 Jan 2020
    6:39 pm

    Hi mate this is now an option in the latest 3.1.8 version 🙂 see the changelog.

    Last modified: 13th January 2020, 6:39 pm by Richard Webster

  • Iain Morris


    14 Jan 2020
    11:28 pm

    Hi Richard,

    I just tested it and it works great!  The default WC stuff is hidden and it appears to the user that that page is just for them.

    Looking forward, and if others use this feature, it would be good to see options to change the button; either download/or go to product page/or hide as the product titles are links.  Also, the ability to add some columns would be nice, such as last viewed date, last downloaded date, perhaps even thumbnails and product information.

    Again, thank you for implementing new features and listening to your users!  It's awesome!


    Last modified: 14th January 2020, 11:31 pm by Iain Morris

  • Richard Webster


    15 Jan 2020
    5:41 am

    Yea I like that idea mate 🙂

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