PDF viewer enabled but keep filename

Posted by: Iain Morris

9th November 2019, 3:04 pm

Iain Morris


9 Nov 2019
3:04 pm

Hi again,

With the plugin PDF Viewer option enabled, I see the file is copied to a temp folder and given a number as a name.  Is it possible to add the option to have the original filename kept?  That way if the user chooses to download to their PC, the filename is what was uploaded.

  • Richard Webster


    9 Nov 2019
    3:19 pm

    I set it to change the filename so that users couldn't just copy the URL and download it later or share it. Basically a security thing.

  • Iain Morris


    9 Nov 2019
    4:17 pm

    Thanks for your reply Richard.

    If the file is moved to the temp folder, wouldn't that be enough to prevent users from accessing the file from its URL?  How long do the temp files remain there?

    If I want the filename to rename original is my only option the Redirect to URL setting in WC settings?

    Thanks for your fast attention!


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