Stats of downloads

Posted by: Charlie

29th May 2019, 12:37 pm



29 May 2019
12:37 pm


Just a quick question, I'm trying to keep my site running nice and fast, and I wondered how slow the download logs would make my site?

Essentially your plugin has overridden WooCommerce stats so I don't get anything there, it's all in the download logs. I can't delete them periodically as I have download limits enabled, so I appreciate they have to be there for that?

Just don't want the site to be running really slow as the site stores months of download logs on there.

Also are you planning to improve the stats area at all? Show weakest vs strongest etc?


  • Richard Webster


    31 May 2019
    6:36 am

    Hi Charlotte I wouldn't worry about performance, the logs that are stored are tiny. I do plan on adding an option to delete old logs though.

    The stats is something I plan on expanding 🙂

  • Charlie


    31 May 2019
    11:19 am

    Ok good to know, thanks! Looking forward to the update. Your plugin has literally solved such a major problem for me!!

    Any update on download limits syncing with WC subscription dates?? 😛

    Hope the move went well!

  • Juan Camilo Martinez


    31 Jan 2020
    8:28 pm

    Hi Richard,

    I would like to know if you have any update about the stats?. It would be great to use the woocommerce stats with your plugin.


  • Richard Webster


    31 Jan 2020
    8:45 pm

    Coming in the plugin rewrite that I'm working on 🙂

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