Variable "multi" product returns 0byte zip when downloaded

Posted by: Jason Absolom

23rd October 2024, 12:08 pm

Jason Absolom


23 Oct 2024
12:08 pm

I have an issue where I have some variable products for different versions/options of downloads and I have setup the ability to download files for some products that include multi-files as variable files (bundles) and  while this all seems to work, the files are listed and downloadable from the user account page, when I view the product and can select either of the files as an option to download, it will download a 0byte file,

Single files work fine and the variable files  can be downloaded from account page, just not using this plugin.

I note that downloading a product that works just has the zip file name but downloading a variable product has a hash number at the end so if I have a single product and I can download the file name is:

But selecting the variable product and clicking download I get : and it downloads a 0byte file

  • Jason Absolom


    23 Oct 2024
    12:12 pm

    I also note if I do not select any item and click the download I get a critical error:

  • Jason Absolom


    23 Oct 2024
    12:40 pm

    Interestingly, if I set the multi-file download option to show links, the links will download correctly but using checkboxes and the actual download button, this is not working so it seems an issue how the files are called using the download button

  • Jason Absolom


    26 Oct 2024
    1:58 am

    So I submitted a ticket and posted on the forums here several days ago. I've paid for the plugin so would kind of hope that would come with reasonable support.

    What I have found appears to be a bug so would like some assistance please. BTW, your support ticket system is also broken, any attempt to update the ticket or edit the info results simply in an "Anti Spam" trigger so may want to get that fixed...

  • Jason Absolom


    27 Oct 2024
    11:27 pm

    Still an issue....

    Single products also that have multiple files if you click from the shop front where it shows to download the product it is making a bundle of the files but again, this bundle downloads and the files within are 0byte.

    Was hoping being a paid plugin there would be some kind of support?

  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    29 Oct 2024
    2:24 pm

    Hi Jason,

    Apologies for not coming back to you sooner. I am looking into the issue now and will be in touch ASAP. I have closing the other tickets, hopefully you're able to reply back to this one however if you continue to have trouble replying to tickets, we can discuss via email.

    Many Thanks


  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    29 Oct 2024
    2:35 pm

    Hi Jason,

    I have been unable to replicate the issue with multiple downloads at the moment. Are you uisng any other WooCommerce plugins to create the bundles? Or is this just a variable product with multiple files defined in the variation?

    Are you able to provide us with login credentials for the site? These can be sent via email to wp********@gm***.com

    Thank you


  • Jason Absolom


    29 Oct 2024
    9:44 pm


  • Jason Absolom


    29 Oct 2024
    9:54 pm

    Thanks for the reply

    Apologies for the posts and messages but having come from Joomla where things are pretty "simple" to setup and you get a plugin and it does everything from start to finish, WordPress is a nightmare in terms of finding even a simple working solution that doesn't need a hundred plugins THEN addons to plugins just to make something usable.  Having to fork out for about 20 plugins and hope to god the duct tape holding it all together actually holds is kind of stressful especially when i'm hoping to have things working in a few months so that feeling of purchasing a license and then not having support because the plugin is now defunct (the same reason I have had to move from joomla) is a concern.

    I have created a quick video of the issue which should show you what does and does not work:

    You can find that download product here:

    Basically to summarize the video, I have everything "working" but only without allowing anything to try and download the bundled files. Ideally I would like users to be able to select the option to download bundled files but one thing to also note with my deployment is everything I have to purchase is already a zip file so not sure if this makes a difference when the system tries to bundle existing zip files together?

    I have noted that when the system creates these bundled files it generates a file in the uploads/free-downloads-files-temp-files directory and these are 0byte files so it appears the system is generating the files but then not copying the actual source files into the new archive.

    I do not have any other plugin to create bundles, I have another download manager that is in use however this is to manage downloads that are not part of the woocommerce store. I do have a "discount" plugin however which is just to generate discount rules when purchasing multiple products but wouldn't believe that should affect the download side.

    Let me know if there is any further info you need.

    Last modified: 2nd November 2024, 12:27 am by Jason Absolom

  • Forum Moderator
    Peter Wilkinson


    30 Oct 2024
    3:22 pm

    Hi Jason,

    Thank you for providing access and these details. I've managed to verify the issue on your site now and will be working on a solution. Will be back to you ASAP.

    Thank you for your patience 🙂


  • Jason Absolom


    30 Oct 2024
    9:23 pm

    Thanks, that is great to hear.

    Just another small issue I discovered that I would like to know if it is possible to address. Let me know if I should open a different ticket.

    I was testing out the use of using woocommerce shortcode to place an "add to cart" button on a page directly for a product. For single products your plugin will correctly replace this shortcode button with a download button which is great as I can make a custom user download page if needed and list different products they can either download or see they can buy without having to flick through the shop.

    If however I add the same woocommere shortcode to add a variable product button, this is not switching to a download button, rather still shows the "add to cart" button but with the price as $0 and cllicking it sinply throws the warning "you cannot purchase this product again" as I have the store limited to only single purchases of products. Is it possible to check this and force the button to also show a download option for variable shortcode products.

    The WooCommerce shortcode simply requires the direct ID of the variable product option to show the button and if this is a single product, it will automatically switch between add to cart and download just as the page button will do. Only if it is a variable product ID it does not switch automatically

    [add_to_cart id="2355"]

    I know I can display a download button using the Free Downloads shortcode with product/variable ID:

    [download_now id="2354" variation="2355"]

    And this is working fine but ideally having the add to cart button change means it can just be a single button, unless there is some other way to simply hide the add to cart button if owned so it can just be replaced by the shortcode for the free download.

    Last modified: 30th October 2024, 9:25 pm by Jason Absolom