Where do I change shortcode css?

Posted by: Aethaerx

18th May 2021, 5:50 pm



18 May 2021
5:50 pm

Whenever I use the shortcode [download_now id="123" variation="123" text="Get it Free!"] The button that appears looks like the image below. It seems to be trying to pull some styling from my theme but not perfectly.

How can I manually edit this? I need the CSS to make the text white and centered perfectly in the square. Or does someone know where I put the CSS? This button seems to be calling the following classes: somdn-download-archive single_add_to_cart_button button

  • Richard Webster


    19 May 2021
    9:07 am

    Hi mate if the site is live, link to where you have that shortcode output and I'll give you the right CSS and let you know where to add it.

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