Which code editor?

Posted by: newoceans

5th January 2018, 2:06 pm



5 Jan 2018
2:06 pm

Hi Richard, which code editor do you use? I'm using Espresso, pretty old version, and looking for another one - that has some kind of 'code formatting' (cleaning code, reorganizing indents, etc) and FTP connection options. Just wondering...

  • Richard Webster


    5 Jan 2018
    3:47 pm

    I've been using Sublime 3 for a few years now and couldn't live without it. You can set projects that include specific folders, change the theme, advanced editor options like mass replace and typing etc. Look into that!

    I'm not only able to do my html, PHP and JavaScript stuff, but also C++ and even Papyrus (Skyrim).

    Last modified: 5th January 2018, 3:48 pm by Richard Webster

  • newoceans


    5 Jan 2018
    4:33 pm

    Heard a lot of good things about that one!

    Is it right I need an additional program for FTP/remote editing? Something like this: https://wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp ?

    And does it also code formatting? Or does it need something additional as well? Like: https://github.com/akalongman/sublimetext-codeformatter ?

  • Richard Webster


    5 Jan 2018
    8:26 pm

    To be honest I've not used some of the advanced features like that, I'm still a manual user. And a religious user of FileZilla, so haven't touched FTP packages.

    But that's the beauty of Sublime, packages are available for all those things.

  • newoceans


    5 Jan 2018
    8:27 pm


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